Oschon's Journey

A semi-private, 21+, mature/dark/all RP group located on Halicarnassus.
Focuses primarily on an IC Free Company of the same name.

Who We Are

We're a home for the outcast and the oppressed, for the outsiders and the downtrodden. Operating from a custom model of airship, Oschon's Journey goes wherever the wind blows, providing aid and reliable adventuring hands to people all across the star.Employees are given access to top of the line healthcare via a clinic called the Athena, receive base pay even if they're unable to accept any jobs, and are also given the option of taking a non-combat or non-dangerous role within the company.

What We Do

There's no job too big, small, or unwanted for Oschon's Journey. With the exception of those rejected on moral or ethical grounds, you'd be hard pressed to find a job we won't take. Between our new blood and our experienced adventurers, we're more than happy to consult with any prospective clients to find a company member who meets your needs. While we accept any job, below you'll find some of the things that our more experienced membership excel in.

  • Hunting dangerous individuals, beasts, voidsent, and the like.

  • Tracking down slavers and dismantling slaving rings.

  • The investigation of ancient ruins, crypts, and all other manner of dangerous locale.

  • Dealing with ancient or forbidden magicks, particularly those of the Fifth Astral Era.

Where We Work

Anywhere and everywhere! If we can get there, we can work there! Oschon's Journey is based out of an airship of the same name, upon which members are offered room and board should they so choose! Generally the airship remains docked in one location for several weeks -- unless a job requiring its presence is accepted by the company's leadership.

IC Rules

  • Please don't seriously maim or injure your fellow company members. Yes, this also extends to killing them.

  • We refuse to hire anyone who still holds loyalty to the Garlean Empire, particularly radical loyalists and extremists.

  • Don't destroy the airship or the furniture within. This is your home, please respect it as you would any other home.

  • We're all adults, please act like it. Relationships between members are common and welcome, but please don't allow any resulting drama to interfere with your work.

  • Treat clients and guests with respect. These people are how we keep the ship afloat.

  • Look out for one another.

  • Please report completed jobs and new requests promptly. Efficient recordkeeping is of the utmost import.

  • -=WIP=-

OOC Rules

  • No real world/OOC bigotry. In line with the point below, please check in with people to see if they're okay with IC bigotry, even if it's what your character would do.

  • Please check with people about their boundaries if you're ever unsure. Don't be afraid to ask. Please.

  • There's never an obligation to RP, or to write a scene you're uninterested in!

  • Please be polite to people OOC. We're like... all normal people here and shouldn't have any issues, but a reminder never hurts!

  • Please keep IC and OOC bleed to a minimum. We are not our IC characters, and an interaction or belief espoused in character doesn't necessarily reflect that of the writer.

  • We are incredibly lorebend friendly here. If it can be reasonably explained and makes a modicum of sense, we'll probably let it fly.

  • With that said, please keep interaction with canon characters to a minimum. Canon structures are fine (excluding things like the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, who are the focal point of the narrative), and alluding to canon NPC characters is also acceptable. The key thing is that we don't want characters calling in major favors or active assistance from canon characters -- we find that this reduces agency on the part of other writers and can make roleplaying more difficult.

General Hooks

  • Oschon's Journey is always accepting new clients! Schedule a meeting with an officer today to discuss your job or request!

  • Are you an individual of ill repute? Inquire about being an antagonist or rival today!

  • Oschon's Journey employs a fair number of freed slaves and former experiments (usually of the Garlean variety).

  • Looking to join? Hold that thought. Please.

Faction Hooks

  • The Kratos Institute: A now defunct Garlean research institute, dedicated to the development of living weapons and other machinations to aid the Ascians. Run by a pair of Ascians named Kratos and Hypnos.

  • The Socratic School: A spiritual (and literal) successor of sorts to the Kratos Institute, the Socratic School is based in the far north of Xak Tural. Masquerading as a school for those with the Echo, aetheric oddities, or strange abilities, it is in truth a breeding ground for unethical experiments and loyal soldiers for its headmaster, Harkyn Izunia.

  • The First Rung: Descendants of Mhach dedicated to seeing the voidal society rise once more. Dangerous, ritualistic, and cultish.

  • The Inheritors of Purity: Descendants of Amdapor who would see the blight of the void (and all they deem impure) purged from this world.

  • Garlean Extremists?: We're still cooking on this one. Sit tight.

OOC Info!

Some OOC notes! First: this company is run by a dumb little T4T gay couple and our emotional support European.Oschon's Journey encompasses a wide range of writers with various interests. Various allied and antagonist factions exist within the "Juiceverse" as we call it, and each one has thought and care put into it. We heavily rely on lorebend to play around with the undefined or ill-thought out spaces in FFXIV canon, and any member is free to run a plot as they see fit -- though some members may take on a sort of defacto GM role as they see fit. As a note, our personal timeline places the calamity as having happened 10-11 years ago as of Dawntrail, but timelines... shmimelines.We're friends who write fun things together, and we're currently looking for a few more writers! We'd love writers with antagonist characters or who are willing to write antagonists right now, but there's also nothing wrong with more allies! Check out the apply button on the main page!If you're interested in external collaboration (ie. not being part of the group proper, but still wishing to write with us), please contact caeltheythem on Discord.